Shoulder Program
Progressive rehab routine focusing on mobility, stability, and strength.
Form Tips:
- Smooth and controlled movements
- Steady breathing
- Squeeze shoulder blades
- Shoulders down
- Good posture
- Quality > quantity
Crossbody Stretch
3 × 60 seconds
- Stand straight and bring one arm across chest
- Use opposite hand to gently pull arm closer
- Feel gentle stretch in back of shoulder
- Maintain steady breathing and relaxed shoulders
External Rotation Stretch (with Stick)
2-3 × 60 seconds
- Stand straight with affected arm at side
- Bend elbow 90° (upper arm against body)
- Hold stick behind elbow with opposite hand
- Use stick to gently rotate affected arm outward
- Keep upper arm pinned to side throughout
- Like opening a gate while keeping the hinge still
90/90 External Rotation Walk Out
2 × 10 reps (5 sec each)
- Stand sideways to anchor point at shoulder height
- Position upper arm parallel to floor (90° to body)
- Elbow bent 90° gripping band
- Slowly walk backward, maintaining angles
- Walk back in with control
- Think of carrying a tray without tilting
Front Raise (Y) Banded
2-3 × 8-10 reps
- Stand on resistance band, feet shoulder-width
- Hold band handles, arms at sides
- Raise arms up and slightly out (Y shape)
- Arms about 45° from body
- Stop just before pain point
Key point: Go to point just before pain sets in, hold, slowly lower
Dumbbell Front Raise (Eccentric)
3 × 6-8 reps (6-sec lowering)
- Light dumbbells in hands, palms facing up
- Slight bend in elbows (not locked)
- Raise arms to shoulder height at moderate pace
- Lower very slowly (6-second count)
- Like slowly pouring water from a pitcher
Movie Stars (Rotator Cuff)
3 × 6-10 reps (3-sec hold)
- Sit on bench, affected arm's elbow on same-side knee
- Hold light dumbbell in affected hand
- Start with forearm pointing outward (L shape)
- Slowly rotate arm inward toward floor
- Hold 3 seconds at bottom position
- Keep elbow firmly planted throughout
Lateral Raises with Holds
3 × 6-8 reps (3-sec hold)
- Light dumbbells at sides
- Raise arms out to sides to shoulder height
- Keep slight bend in elbows
- Hold for 3 seconds at top
- Lower with control
Lat Pull Downs
3 × 8-12 reps (3-3-3 tempo)
- Seated at cable machine or with band overhead
- Grasp bar/band wider than shoulder width
- Pull down to upper chest
- Squeeze shoulder blades together
- Control through full range of motion
Note: Do this shit under supervision until you're confident. Adjust as needed.